Finding the value of its importance and implementing it into your routine

Alright so let's start off with some definitions of what exactly "Self-care" is:
Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Definition of self-care
: care for oneself
Well said, Merriam-Webster.
Now, what do the streets define as self-care...
Urban Dictionary:
Definition of Self-care
: Self-care is an umbrella term that Twitter/Tumblr SJWs use to excuse their poor financial decisions. Why spend money on things like rent/bills when you can buy coloring books from Whole Foods?
Ex. I’m six months behind on rent, my phone got shut off and my cars getting repo’d. I’m going to a $400 spa though because self care.
Alright, well I'd say those are both pretty accurate and slightly the same but different forms of self-care. I'd just suggest if you can't pay your bills definitely don't chose the expensive forms of self-care just yet. But I know there are plenty of financially savvy and creative ways to indulge in self-care. For example during the early stages of COVID quarantine last year I was looking for all sorts of at-home spa treatments so I could relax during very stressful uncertain times. As you can see in my above photo I attempted to make my own hair mask!
Here is the super basic recipe:
- Lavender - Young Living Essential Oils (Find out about some of the best oils to get here)
- Virgin Coconut Oil - Shea Moisture (Check out all the benefits of Coconut Oil)
- Honey - Ambrosia Honey Co. - ( Honey and all its glory)
Use ingredients by handcraft and eye ballin' based on your own hair lengths and types. I used this hair mask to hydrate my very dry and damaged hair.
This is just one of my personal examples of self-care but there are various ways to perform or partake in self-care ways.

Fast forward to last week and the form of self-care I partook in was going to the gym early and then being done but still up early enough to watch the sunrise on the beach. While I was there watching the beautiful colors rise from the ocean herself I enjoyed the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. I also practice a few positive affirmations such as the following:
Sara's January Positive Affirmations:
"I am open to all the universe has to offer me"
"I am love"
"I am happiness"
"I am successful"
I then followed with giving my gratitude and continuing to share this beautiful moment with myself in nature.
My point and realization being is that whatever form of self-care it might be make sure to make time for YOU.
Positive Vibes,
Sara Maya
Please check out my podcast episode on self-care here and follow me on Instagram @Misssaramaya :)
New Week's blog post and the episode will be on Relationships/Friendships.