Kind of like Dawn Of The Dead but more like Dawn Of The Living

Today I woke up consensually for the first time ever on my own at 5:26 AM. This is pretty historic for me since usually my happy spot for waking up naturally is between 7:00 - 7:30 AM. As a part of my new habit and structure development of 2021 I've been trying to wake up earlier to be able to make it to the gym and have more time for my morning routine and awakening.
I would like to state I'm not normally a morning person. I really don't like having any interactions with anyone until about an hour or two after waking up. But that literally doesn't sound like getting up on the right foot.. I'd previously read that if you want to start waking up earlier to ease yourself into it. Therefore if you regularly wake up at 7:30 AM do not just try and make an attempt at starting to wake up at 5:00 AM.. So I did just what the experts recommended and I eased myself in by starting to wake up at 6:45 AM, 6:40 AM, 6:00 AM, and then yes almost 5:30 AM.
It was a very smooth #transition if I might say so myself. But I'd like to also discuss why it was so smooth. Usually my bedtimes in the past were between 11:30 to about 12:30 AM. When I was waking up at 6:45 AM my bedtime was about 10:30ish. Specifically yesterday I actually went to bed at 8:30 PM.. Which I will admit was a tad bit too early. But I felt tired therefore I did what my body asked me and rested. But I believe this is why I naturally woke up at 5:26 AM.
Here is how I felt today and what I experienced waking up while it's still dark... I felt no anxiety or rush to to get somewhere or to need to respond to someone... Why? Well I assume because most of the other people in the world aren't exactly functioning yet either and plus 5:30 AM isn't a #professional hour for anyone to correspond with one another unless of course there is a time difference.
I then got to my gym at about 6:00 AM on the dot and I walked in and was greeted with such support and positivity by the front desk staff. She gave me a huge compliment and encouragement of how impressed she was that I was there everyday so far during the week for almost two weeks now and that it has gotten earlier and earlier. Needless to say that gave me such a positivity high and fueled my workout! I don't know if it was the invigorating support or waking up at 5:26 AM but I truly have felt more energized and productive today then any of the other day that I woke up after 6:00 AM. Today was the first time too that I worked out past one hour.
After all that dawn was just barely starting to crack on the horizon. I couldn't believe it. I was heading home at the time I was usually heading to the #gym. So far my day has been filled with lots of positivity, productivity, and confidence. I'm really enjoying this rising before dawn lifestyle.
Let me know what your thoughts are behind waking up early! Are you an early bird or a night owl? When do you usually feel your most intense spurts of energy?
Positive Vibes,
Sara Maya
Please follow me on Instagram @MissSaraMaya and Follow me on Spotify "Thought Liberation With Sara Maya"
Thank you guys and I can't wait to hear back from your guys experiences in the comments.