Original Post: January 9. 2019
This post was originally from 2019 but the inspiration still runs deeply within me and I hope it inspires you.

This morning I had one of those philosophical moments, you know, the kind that you randomly have in the shower, driving in your car, or maybe like me while you’re on the cycle of your first spin class.
Maybe something they all have in common is a state of deep focus, almost mimicking meditation.
I walk into my first spin class and find the unexpected dark room with strobe lights flashing everywhere with a very enthusiastic group of people all lined up on their cycles.
Here is the mantra that brought on my philosophical moment, “you can’t stop me.”

As the instructor repeated it over and over and I started to say it to myself to distract myself from the intense fire in my legs, I thought to myself, that’s right, YOU won’t stop me. I wasn’t referring to anyone like my job, bad friends, or an ex-boyfriend but the “YOU” being me, myself, & I. I will not stop me from my goals, being better, or being stronger.
I am in control of my life, what I feel, & how I chose to live it.
That being said, that’s what 2019 is all about. Taking control of yourself and your own life choices. Accountability, self-care, and self-love.
Welcome, 2019. I’ve been waiting for you.
I'm wishing everyone a bright and positive 2021.
Positive Wishes,
Sara Maya